Stop Smoking using Chinese Acupuncture

stop-tobacco.gifMany people who seek out acupuncture in order to stop smoking have attempted to quit previously without success in other ways. Their reasons for wanting to stop smoking are varied. Some may have developed health problems from smoking, such as shortness of breath, a chronic cough or an increased frequency of colds and flu; others may not be experiencing adverse health consequences, but want to prevent them from developing and improve their health.

Some decide to stop smoking when a loved one develops a smoking-related illness such as emphysema, high blood pressure or lung cancer. The diseases associated with smoking are widely known. Many no longer want the expense and dependency of tobacco or they feel a social pressure not to smoke.

Ultimately, one has to want to stop smoking for themselves and not for anyone else: They also need to be self-motivated. Every person who chooses acupuncture to stop smoking has a strong desire to stop now, rather than putting it off indefinitely.

To stop smoking using acupuncture is simple, effective and free from toxins and side effects. It has been accepted by an increasing number of medical workers worldwide, and more and more smokers are turning to this method.

At present, the main needling method taken to stop smoking is ear acupuncture and body acupuncture. The acupuncture program to stop smoking with Dr. Zhang consists of four visits.

Up to the night before the first acupuncture treatment, you can smoke your last cigarette ever. From that point on, you will be a non-smoker.

At the first appointment, you fill out a questionnaire and receive a physical examination where we take your pulse and observe the condition of the tongue. The purpose of this interview and examination is to determine the Chinese medical diagnosis for you and the personalised treatment you will receive. Taking into account each person’s unique smoking habits and physical and emotional make-up, every patient’s acupuncture treatment is tailor-made and designed specifically for them. No two people are treated exactly the same. At this first session, you learn to identify your particular triggers for smoking and how to avoid them.

Since the first week of stopping is probably the most difficult, the acupuncture program can ease you through this time. The four acupuncture treatments in the program are spaced out over four weeks, focusing on any physical or emotional withdrawal symptoms that may arise, and also aid in relaxation.

If you are having difficulty quitting, the program can also be modified to fit your needs.

The effects of the program are:

  • The first is to change the taste of cigarettes.
  • The second is to take away the craving for tobacco.
  • The third is to relax the mind and body
  • The fourth is to reduce appetite, as giving up tobacco often results in an increase in appetite and weight gain.

Many people have reported that using acupuncture immediately changed the taste of cigarettes making them bitter and unpalatable.
of millions of cases studies throughout the world shows that the success rate to give up smoking using acupuncture is from 70% to 90%.